
The Treasury department has an overall responsibility for managing the Township’s financial activities, including accounting, tax billing and collections, budgets, financial reporting, investments, banking, insurance, and risk management.

The following payment methods are currently being accepted for property taxes:

  1. Telephone or internet banking: if using this option, please use your 19-digit roll number as the account number. If you have more than one property, you must enter each roll number and amount separately. Failure to do so will result in taxes being applied to the incorrect account.
  2. Cheques: cheque payments may be dropped off at the municipal office, or sent in by mail. Accounts are considered to be paid only when the cheques have been received by the Township. Post-dated cheques are accepted and will be held until the specified date. If cheques are being mailed in, please ensure the 19-digit roll number is specified on the memo line.
  3. Cash: payment may be made by cash at the Township office.
  4. Payments may also be made by a mortgage company or other financial institution on behalf of a taxpayer

Tax bills are split into four (4) installments. The due dates for these installments varies from year to year, but generally falls around mid-April, mid-May, mid-August, and mid-September.

Reminder notices are mailed out following each tax installment due date, to properties with arrears in excess of $10.00. Please contact the Treasury department if you have not received your tax notice. Failure to receive a notice does NOT relieve your responsibility to pay property taxes or any interest/penalty charges levied due to late payment.

2024 Final Billing

Final tax bills for 2024 will be mailed out during the first/second week in July. 

E-Billing Option 

Ryerson Township offers its residents the option to receive tax bills directly by email. To enroll in this service, please download and fill out the application form and return by email to the Township.